TRI M3WAY MIXING VALVES DN20 Oventrop three-way mixing valves ”Tri-M” have two inlet ports and one outlet port. Depending on the position of the valve disc, the cold and hot water is mixed.
For commercial two point controls, the electrothermal actuator* (item no. 101 24 85 with connection thread M 30 x 1.5) is used, with the straight port being opened with current ”off” and the port opposite the actuator being closed. Reversed action with the current ”on”. The working procedure of the actuators (item nos. 101 24 85 and 101 24 86) can be reversed, i.e. straight port closed with current ”off”. Pressure waves are not produced during changeover and the volume of flow remains constant. Oventrop actuators* have an expansion type working element which is heated electrically.
When using a steady control, Oventrop temperature controllers* with immersion sensor (item nos. 114 05 61 to 114 05 74 with connection thread M 30 x 1.5) or Oventrop temperature controllers with contact sensor (item nos. 114 28 61 to 114 28 64 with connection thread M 30 x 1.5) are used. These are proportional controllers working without auxiliary energy and allowing intermediate positions. With the temperature at the sensor rising, the straight port is opened and the angle port is closed.