Good evening, I indicate you that you sent me the bad outside temperature sensor, you delivered the outside F42010971-001 probe while I commanded N T7043B.
So I return it to you and ask you to pay off it to me or to transmit me the ordered article copy of which you will find in the return of the parcel
Thank you for your understanding ...JAMMES Marie-Line
very good company to deal with, swiftly delivered and the unit was as requested ...Scott Matthew
Great service. Helpful staff! ...Brett Gascoigne
Excellent service, but I find it strange that I can order something from My Tub, 250 miles away, yet its actually delivered to me by a local plumbers Merchant, and at a better price than if I went to the plumbers merchants direct. ...Mr B R Goodliffe
great service . thanks very much . trev . building services
Quick delivery, Excellent quality. Would use again. ...Polly Ryan
Excellent service ...Moat Management Ltd - Span Group
Order deliverd correctly and in good time. Delivery driver made exceptional effort to deliver. He walker 3/4 mile to house due to difficulty in turned his vehicle around. ...Alan Chaney
I placed a small order for 6m of 15mm x 1mm thick copper tube which is an unusual size not commonly stocked. Between them Deborah and Christine managed to source the tube and get it safely delivered. Given service like this I will certainly use MyTube again. ...Mike Tattum - Mr
The materials I needed Wavin were for a French drain, and it was very convenient to see the associated parts listed on one page. Response was excellent and so was delivery. Thank you. ...Vic Warth