Tim Pollard to speak at Ecobuild 2014

timPlumb Center’s Head of Sustainability Tim Pollard will be heading to Ecobuild 2014, keen to discuss the latest industry topics.

Tim is taking part in two seminar sessions and a conference this year, covering a range of areas including the renewables market, Green Deal and the domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). The free seminars and conferences are very popular with Ecobuild visitors, and over 100 industry experts, ministers and VIPs will take centre stage.

“I’ve spoken at Ecobuild for the last eight years or so,” said Tim. “The sessions are a great chance for installers to come along and learn more about the latest initiatives and technologies that can benefit their businesses.

“This year everything is on the show floor, so it’ll be easy for installers to find us and listen to what we’ve got to say.

“When I’m not speaking, I’ll be at the Plumb Center stand or Practical Installer. We’ve got an array of technologies on display from renewable heating systems, solar PV and water efficiency products, and installers can see these up-close in a working environment.

“With all of this on offer for free, Ecobuild 2014 is well worth a visit and I look forward to seeing you there.”

Installers can see Tim at the following times and locations:

Tuesday 4 March – 10:45 – The Renewables Market, Incentives, Payback and Regulatory Drivers – The Green Energy Zone.
Tuesday 4 March – 15:00 – Localised Energy or Green Deal – Ecobuild Arena (North Arena)
Thursday 6 March – 10:30 – Benefitting from the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) – The Green Energy Zone

To register for Ecobuild 2014 please visit the website www.ecobuild.co.uk. The site also has lots more information about the event, and all the highlights from last year.

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