Tag: energy

Take action ahead of solar PV FiT reductions

Homeowners should prepare for reductions in Feed in Tariff (FiT) rates for all solar PV systems up to 50kW in the first few months of 2015, says renewables supplier IBD Distribution. The company is encouraging those considering this renewable technology

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Solar could contribute more than nuclear to UK economy

Solar has the potential to create 60 gigawatts of generation capacity by 2030, supporting 50,000 green jobs and contributing £25.5 billion to the UK economy, according to major new research released today. The report by the Centre for Economics and Business

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How clued up is Britain about energy issues?

A recent survey has thrown light on how much the British public really knows about energy. The survey of 2,058 British adults, conducted by polling consultancy ComRes on behalf of the National Energy Foundation (NEF), found that: Only half of

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Renewables industry unifies around key tests for next government

Renewable energy trade bodies have come together to launch ‘key tests’ for the political parties ahead of the next general election. The grouping, which includes Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Association, BHA, the British Photovoltaic Association, the Renewable Energy Association, RenewableUK,

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Room for improvement, even with awareness of renewables at 90%

A recent report has been released by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), which has found that 90% of the non-domestic organisations which were surveyed were aware of renewable heat technologies. The survey, conducted by three companies independent

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