Positive figures starting to show for the Green Deal

deccThe research showed reaction to Green Deal ‘Wave Three’, highlighting that 65% have had work carried out, with six per cent in the process of installing improvements and a further ten per cent intending to install at least one recommended measure. 

When asked, 78% found the assessment useful and another 78% had confidence in recommendations by the assessor. A further 76% said they would recommend a Green Deal Assessment to a friend.When households were asked how they paid for measures, Energy Company Obligation was mentioned in 22% of cases, with local authority funding (16%), provider/installer finance (13%) and savings and regular income (11%) being the other most common means of payment.

Speaking about the new research, Energy and Climate Change Minister, Greg Barker, said: “The research undertaken in November shows that Green Deal assessments are highly valued by consumers. Crucially, they are helping people to control their energy costs this winter.

“Over 100,000 assessments have been carried out so it’s particularly encouraging that over 80% of people have, are, or intending to install, at least one measure in homes and that well over a third of recommended measures have now been installed. This is a powerful endorsement of the Green Deal.”

Of the £540 million the government recently announced would be made available over the next three years to boost energy efficiency, £450 million will be aimed at households and private landlords. New schemes will be designed to complement the Green Deal and stimulate the flow of more private finance into energy efficiency.

The scheme has now seen over 100,000 assessments completed.

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