Pegler Yorkshire takes the heat out of the Thermostatic Valves Market with two valves in one

As a recognised innovator and market leader in the field of Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMV), Pegler Yorkshire has once again responded to changing regulations and customer need to deliver a new mixing valve that greatly simplifies the valve selection process while at the same time enhancing product performance, by blending two valves into one all purpose multi-use TMV.

Traditionally, TMV products have been divided into Type2 (suitable for the domestic market) and Type3 (for environments such as hospitals) which required a more exacting standard; until the recent arrival of The Health Technical Memorandum (HTM04-01) which allows the use of a Type2 valve in certain hospital locations.

Pegler Yorkshire considered this Memorandum an opportune moment to innovate in TMVs while providing a solution to it at the same time – combining a Type3 and Type2 into one blended valve still offers all the high performance of a TMV3, yet maintains the lower servicing costs if used in TMV2 environments.

The new valves are fitted with a blue cap (denoting a Type3 TMV) as standard and if the valve is then used as a Type2 – and installed and commissioned as such, then the white cap (denoting Type2 status) can be fitted, thus providing a clear visual indication of how the valve is being used at a glance and what regime needs to be applied for servicing and testing intervals.

Pegler Yorkshire has strived to ensure the new TMV valve would benefit not just the final end user, but distributors, installers and contractors. For the distributor who currently needs to stock 8 variants of TMV, the advent of this new valve from Pegler Yorkshire means they need now only stock four. The advantage is less confusion and reduced costs of stocking.

For installers and contractors, the new valves still retain the ease of service advantages of the old model, but this next generation valve benefits installers further because they can be confident the TMV in their van is of such quality, that it can be used not just in a Type2 environment, but complies with all the requirements for a TMV3 setting too. No matter what the situation, specifiers and installers can now be certain they have the right product for the job – a vital consideration in one area where mistakes can literally cost lives.

“After years of campaigning, TMVs are now recognised by government and installers alike as essential where water needs to be kept hot to prevent the threat of legionella, yet still delivered at a safe temperature at point of use,” said Pegler Yorkshire’s Barrie Plant. “Our new TMV is the culmination of years of know-how in the field – delivering valves with a lower profile and advanced features, yet that still meet the strict tests and standards such products must comply with.”

This new TMV complies with BSEN1111 and BSEN1287 and also meets the BS7942 standard and the Model Engineering Specification, while independent third party testing and approval through the BuildCert TMV2 and BuildCert TMV3 schemes ensures the consistent quality and performance, associated with Pegler Yorkshire Valves, is maintained.