Thousands of contractors expected at ‘meet the buyer’ event


Thousands of contractors from across the UK are expected to attend a free event at the Oval Cricket Ground in London next month to find out about millions of pounds worth of work opportunities.

More than 40 construction buyers have already signed up to attend, including contractors Kier Construction, VINCI Construction, Bouygues UK and Hill, as well as a range of public sector bodies such as the NHS London Procurement Partnership and the Cabinet Office.

Constructionline, a leading UK procurement and supply chain management service, will be hosting its free ‘Showcase Meet the Buyer’ event on 3 June, 2015 for consultants, contractors and suppliers to meet with buyers, helping them learn about winning a place on major work programmes.

Alongside meeting prospective buyers, there will also be an opportunity for contractors to attend a series of seminars on hot industry topics of conversation, including recent legislation changes.

The seminars will be given by influential sector and government keynote speakers, such as David Hancock, head of construction at the Cabinet Office, who will be giving an insight into the government’s construction strategy.

Constructionline’s 2014 ‘Showcase Meet the Buyer’ event at Wembley Stadium saw over 1,500 suppliers attend, with speakers including representatives from property and infrastructure group Lend Lease and Trading for Good, the not-for-profit organisation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Rebecca Sperti, Constructionline sales director, said:

“Our ‘Meet the Buyer’ events are designed to offer valuable introductions between contractors and some of the country’s major public and private sector organisations.

“After the success we had last year hosting our largest ever event, we wanted to again extend such a fantastic opportunity to contractors from around the UK. We encourage all those who are interested in attending to sign up and come along to find out how they can win work with the biggest names in the industry.”

Michael Thomlinson, head of strategic procurement & supply chain at Hill, the event’s headline sponsor, said:

“Hill is proud to be supporting this valuable event; as a multi-award-winning house builder, the need to support and supplement our supply chain to ensure its long term sustainability has never been greater.

“At Hill we are positively supporting the PAS 91 standard as part of our prequalification supply chain strategy and Constructionline is key in supporting this, by simplifying the engagement process and providing Hill with a robust mechanism to engage with both our existing and new supply chain members in an equitable and efficient way.”

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Queen speaks, industry reacts


Plans to devolve more powers to city councils and to promote home ownership were cornerstones of the new Conservative government’s legislative programme unveiled in the Queen’s Speech yesterday.

Other government measures announced by Her Majesty at the state opening of Parliament are designed to promote business and encourage the development of apprenticeships.

A raft of construction industry organisations were moved to issue their thoughts on the programme, broadly supporting the government’s plans although not unreservedly.  In particular, there is concern that re-introducing the Right To Buy for housing association tenants could backfire.

Melanie Leech, chief executive of the British Property Federation, said:

“It is welcome to see the announcement of a Housing Bill. The government has a huge task on its hands if it is to deliver enough new homes to house future generations, and must focus on supply-side solutions to meet demand. The devil will be in the detail, and there is an opportunity for innovative suggestions to drive forward supply.

“The Starter Homes initiative holds potential, but we have several questions around the realities of delivery and whether there will be sufficient infrastructure provision on the allocated sites.

“The focus on brownfield land is similarly positive, but we have doubts about how much suitable land will come to market. Local Development Orders are not the silver bullet and experience shows that they are costly for local authorities to produce.

“Neighbourhood planning changes are to be welcomed, particularly if they enable pro-growth, business-led neighbourhood plans to come forward with greater speed.”

She continued:

“The announcement of the Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill is a welcome step forward, and is something that holds enormous potential for the real estate industry. The BPF has long advocated the role that devolution can play in unlocking regeneration and growth around the country, and the potential it has for the creation of jobs, homes and infrastructure.

“We would like to see the government take this forward by appraising government initiatives and build on those growth and city deals that are already in place such as City Deals and Local Enterprise Partnerships, and to focus on devolution across the whole country, not just in relation to the Northern Powerhouse. We urge government to allow all areas of the UK, not just those with a mayor, to be able to benefit from these new, devolved powers.”

Steve Errington, chief executive of house-builder Story Homes, commented on the Housing Bill outlined in the Queen’s speech. He said:

“Story Homes welcomes the government’s plans for Starter Homes which will help to provide more houses for first-time buyers – who are the lifeblood of the housing market. How these homes are restricted to specific housing schemes needs to be looked at carefully however. Too many restrictions may see too few sites being developed to meet the criteria for Starter Homes. If not enough properties are developed they will obviously make a limited impact on the housing market.

“The government needs to make sure that these schemes are viable in terms of the market value homes available for sale, and the development sites which can be used for these properties, to make sure developers come on board to build them.

“The plans announced to increase the housing supply, through making development on brownfield land, easier are very welcome. The question mark over brownfield sites is always one of viability because of the sometimes onerous planning and clean-up costs involved.

“A streamlined planning process through the Local Development Order process is welcome, as is the potential to work in partnership with local authorities to ensure the identified sites work from a developer’s point of view. Unlocking brownfield land is a very positive move. However the shortfall of new housing supply will not be fulfilled with brownfield land alone.”

Eddie Tuttle, public affairs manager at the Chartered Institute of Building, said:

“Whilst the CIOB welcomes efforts to simplify the neighbourhood planning system and increase the supply of starter homes through the Housing Bill, it is vitally important that there is an added emphasis on building design and quality. 

“Although an extension of Right to Buy may provide real hope to individuals wishing to secure a place on the property ladder, the issue for policy makers is the number of annual new-builds. Our figures suggest that 200,000 starter homes are needed annually – in order to meet rising demand.  

“Additionally the CIOB is pleased to see the government’s commitment to devolve more powers to local authorities; helping work towards full employment. This is positive news for the construction industry and with over 17,000 managers needed in the sector over the next four years; a career in the industry has the potential to deliver on the government’s aspirations.”

Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) director general Nick Baveystock said:

“Devolution of powers can lead to greater investment and better decision making. I welcome the government’s invitation to give city regions the political tools to start shaping their own futures. Devolution can help drive productivity in areas often overlooked by Whitehall, helping to rebalance growth throughout the UK. There is no ‘one-size fits all’ model and government should devolve powers according to the needs, ambition and capacity of each area. Local government may also need help in driving through the changes so that they make best use of powers for their own communities.

“Along with the Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill, I welcome the commitments to improve transport capacity and connectivity. The decision to create three million apprenticeships by 2020 can only help our economic wellbeing.” 

Sarah McMonagle, head of external affairs at the Federation of Master Builders (FMB), said:

“The new government is right to bring forward legislation on both apprenticeships and housing in its first Queen’s Speech as one cannot succeed without the other. The 200,000 starter homes the government wants built over the next five years quite simply won’t get off the ground unless we tackle the construction skills crisis. Our latest research shows that 50% of small local builders are struggling to hire bricklayers and this is a stark reminder of how the government’s ambitions to build more new homes could be scuppered by a lack of skilled workers.”

Ms McMonagle continued:

“We are pleased to see that the Full Employment and Welfare Bill will allow for fuller scrutiny of how the government is performing against its ambitious target of creating three million apprenticeships over the next five years. As the construction industry accounts for around 7% of GDP, it means our sector should conceivably be delivering 210,000 of these apprenticeships – or 42,000 a year which is a big ask, especially given that we only achieved 16,000 apprenticeship starts in our sector in 2013/2014. At the end of the last Parliament, the government announced a new voucher model for apprenticeship funding and we’re keen to make sure this is suitable for small construction firms – if it’s not developed with small firms in mind, it could threaten their desire and ability to train apprentices.”

She concluded:

“From a construction SME perspective, we’re also keen to ensure the Enterprise Bill succeeds where others have failed and finally puts a nail in the coffin of late payment. Poor payment practices have plagued the construction industry for too long and we’re hopeful that widening the powers for representative bodies to act on behalf of their members to challenge grossly unfair payment terms will go some way to address this.”

Jon White, UK managing director of the construction consultancy Turner & Townsend, said of the Housing Bill:

“This turbocharging of the Right to Buy scheme could dramatically boost levels of home ownership in Britain. But how much it will do to solve the housing crisis is another matter. Its success will hang on its ability to spur the construction of new homes. The government has responded to its critics by insisting that for every housing association property sold, an additional affordable home will be built. But with construction costs steadily rising – and with demand already outstripping capacity in many parts of the UK – the housing associations are likely to have to borrow to meet the cost of building this new stock.

“The construction industry has responded well to the surge in demand for housebuilding, but it has some lasting capacity issues and property price inflation is a real risk. Housebuilders will be relieved to see some supply-side stimulus after so much boosting of the demand side, but if this scheme is to realise its full potential the government will have to work closely with the construction industry to ensure its promises are deliverable.”

More sceptical was Mark Oliver, managing director of building materials manufacturer H+H. He reckoned that neither the Cities Devolution Bill not the government’s housing policies would have any significantly positive impact on house-building numbers in the next five years.

Mark Oliver said:

“Back in 2010 the coalition introduced the New Homes Bonus. It was supposed to incentivise local councils to increase the number of new homes built by giving them a financial reward, which they could then spend on more services or use it to reduce local council tax bills. It was hailed as the policy that would break down the local authority barriers to development, but we don’t hear much about it now and on the face of it not much has changed,”

He continued:

“Many local authorities are inherently against development of any kind – shops, railways, airports and houses. Often, local politicians are elected on the promise to actually prevent development. On this basis I don’t think that the Cities Devolution Bill will have much impact on house building levels over the next five years.”

He was also sceptical about the Right to Buy housing policy, saying:

“Instead of using tax payers’ money to build new council houses, the government has decided to use it to increase private home ownership within the existing housing stock.

“Since 2012 around 30,000 council houses have been transferred into private ownership with a taxpayer subsidy. They were supposed to have been replaced on a one for one basis, but only around 3,000 new council houses have been built during this time. That’s a ratio of 1 in 10, so why should we believe that it will be any different this time around?” 

Brick Development Association chief executive Simon Hay also voiced concerns about the pledge to re-introduce the Right To Buy for housing association tenants. He said it could scupper plans for a much-needed expansion in public sector housing.

“The government has stated that we need to build around 200,000 new houses each year to meet demand.  We desperately need our Housing Associations to be contributing to this total, but extending the Right to Buy will have a huge impact on the funding available for them to do so. Investing in building new social housing, with a stable return of around 4-6% over the long term is a potentially an attractive investment proposition for organisations such as pension funds.  But this model is blown apart if the assets must be sold at below market rate on demand.”

Mr Hay said:

“We really think this is one proposed policy whose consequence is likely to be exactly the opposite of what was intended:  its most likely consequence is to prevent rather than encourage the provision of much needed housing the focus should now be on how we deliver the housing promises outlined by the Conservative government, ensuring at least 200,000 new homes a year are started in the UK to meet the growing demand from increasing household creation and migration. With stock levels increasing and production rising, we are confident that the brick industry’s growing capacity will keep pace with demand.”

Construction union Ucatt was also not thrilled by the new government’s housing policies. National secretary Brian Rye said:

“Housing is already in crisis with ever increasing numbers of families denied a decent home. This policy is going to further reduce the supply of socially rented accommodation. The government should be looking at every way to increase its housing stock rather than sell it off. The big winners will be the spivs and the speculators looking to make a quick profit and the losers will be the most vulnerable in society who need a decent roof over their heads.”

In similar vein, GMB general secretary Paul Kenny said:

“This Queen’s Speech gives no hope for the millions on zero hours contracts or those struggling to get by on low pay. It is just more dogma from the Tory class warriors representing the rich and powerful.”

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Franke extends its Centinox sink range


Franke has extended its popular Centinox sink design with the addition of four new stainless steel undermount models, complementing the existing inset option.

Centinox is positioned between Franke’s Kubus and Peak ranges, offering retailers a wider choice of undermounts at different price points.

The new Centinox models are part of Franke’s Specialist range, which was updated in April with new sinks, taps, extractor hoods and waste sorters.

The four different models offer the flexibility to be mixed and matched to suit a customer’s individual requirements for functionality and design. The CMX 110 17 half bowl, CMX 110 34 small single bowl, CMX 110 50 large single bowl and CMX 160 34-17 1.5 bowl options fit a range of cabinet sizes from 400mm to 600mm.

The linear design of the Centinox is emphasised by the square basket strainer waste and tight 12.5mm corner radii.

The new Centinox sinks extend the choice of stainless steel undermounts in Franke’s portfolio in a range of materials and design styles.

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Nicola Sturgeon demands veto over Britain’s energy policy


First minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party Nicola Sturgeon has demanded a veto over the UK’s energy decisions, Herald Scotland has reported.

Ms Sturgeon said UK ministers should take key decisions only after “consultation and agreement” with the Scottish Government.

The demand came as experts warned Scotland will rely increasingly on importing power from England to keep the lights on in the years ahead.

It is the latest in a series of confrontations between the Scottish and UK governments since the General Election.

The Scottish Government has already challenged Conservative plans to repeal the Human Rights Act, while a bitter row is brewing over proposals to devolve more powers to Holyrood.

Ms Sturgeon was speaking after a meeting of the Scottish Energy Advisory Board, a panel co-chaired by the First Minister and Professor Sir Jim McDonald of Strathclyde University.

She set out a list of specific demands, including an assurance that subsidies for Scotland’s onshore windfarms will not be changed without the blessing of SNP ministers in Edinburgh.

She also called on the UK Government to commit to major offshore wind projects, where Scotland has lost out because of the higher costs of maintaining turbines in deeper coastal waters.

Ms Sturgeon also urged the UK Government to cut transmission charges for generators in remote parts of Scotland further than already planned.

Ms Sturgeon’s call for a final say on wider policy issues came as experts told MSPs Scotland would be increasingly dependent on electricity imported from England as more than half the country’s generating capacity is due to shut down in the next few years.

Longannet, the giant coal-fired power station in Fife, is expected to close by March next year as new carbon emission rules will make it uneconomic.

Scotland’s two ageing nuclear power stations, Hunterston and Torness, are scheduled to go offline by 2023.

The three closures will cut Scotland’s generating capacity by 55 per cent and leave the country’s energy mix dominated by windfarms.

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RAK’s Italian-styled Harmony launched at MDS


RAK Ceramics launched its new Harmony bathroom range at May Design Series.

Harmony offers an Italian-designed range of sanitaryware and basins, complemented with matching furniture. All of the products share a simplistic but stunning look; the curved lines of the sanitaryware and the furniture’s design features – including push/release drawers and ambient lighting – work in total ‘harmony,’ providing a co-ordinated bathroom design at an affordable price.

Harmony sanitaryware options include full back-to-wall, close coupled and wall hung designs. All WC’s are complemented by the new RAK concealed hanging frame in 6/3ltr or 4.5/3ltre, which were on display for the first time.

Matching basins are offered in half moon designs – with full and half pedestals – and counter top formats – in 600, 900 and 1200mm – which sit on the matching Harmony furniture. There are also three over-counter washbasins, in oval, rectangle and circular designs, and a new range of Harmony taps.

The matching white furniture has high gloss painted drawer fronts with complementary wood finish side panels. Built-it ambient strip lighting creates subtle night-time illumination and a finishing touch to this new, design-led collection.

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