Trades for Life help tradespeople gain the right qualifications


A new organisation called Trades for Life has been put together in an attempt to help trainee plumbers, electricians, and renewable energy installers get their qualifications for jobs.

Trades for Life was founded in a response to adult learners who begin retraining as tradespeople, but have been unfortunate when it comes to getting jobs because they lack the NVQ level 2 qualification, that many employers these days look for.

The qualification requires the practical work to be accessed, however adult learners struggle because many of the training providers do not guarantee the opportunity to get hands-on experience, which these days can make a big difference.

Trades for Life, has been specifically set up to aid students (mainly mature students) complete the final part of their NVQ qualification in just three weeks time.

Director Jo Marriott said:

“We’re at a real turning point in the economy where there’s an opportunity to get Britain working again, particularly in the construction sector where output has risen in the first quarter of 2014. But sadly there is a ‘sleeping army’ of tradesmen out there, on the cusp of being ready to work but missing the final tick in the box.

“If we can give them the shot in the arm they need we have the opportunity to breathe new life into the construction sector and ensure the UK has a fully qualified workforce, poised to spring into action.”

Trades for Life will aim to also provide support for students once they have obtained their qualifications. This includes all the help needed with setting up their own businesses, networking, and workshops on topics such as tax returns, or new regulations.

The organisation was set up during this summer, and have managed to partner with the training provider ERR Limited to provide all the support needed to all of it’s students. So far it has helped around 35 learners complete their qualifications, and also giving them hands-on experience at The Grange development in Dunstable, which is where their work has been assessed.

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Royal Albert Dock scheme gets go-ahead

royal-albert-dockNewham Council have granted planning permission for Chinese developer, ABP, to proceed with a major redevelopment of land to the north of Royal Albert Dock.

ABP (London) Investment’s hybrid application is for part outline and part detailed planning permission to develop a floor area of more than 430,000m2.

The outline component of the application will see the delivery of a business-led mixed-use development of more than 370,000m2, including up to 845 new homes.

It will include retail, financial and professional services, food and drink areas, community, cultural and leisure facilities, as well as new highways and landscaping, public realm improvement works and the development of public open spaces.

The detailed part of the of the application seeks includes more than 60,000m2 of floor space comprising businesses and serviced apartments, access and connectivity improvements. The proposals will also include restoration of a listed building that will provide restaurant and leisure uses.

The permission is subject to a section 106 legal agreement. The agreement, which is still being negotiated, would see ABP provide the council with the equivalent of 35% affordable housing.

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Children hospice receives boost thanks to Plumb and Parts Center


Plumb and Parts Center have donated a sum of £570 to help support the vital work of the children’s wing of a hospice, located on the Isle of Man.

Rebecca House provides respite, palliative and end-of-life care for young people with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, from birth to 18-years-old.

The donation was set up by Steve Reed, Branch Manager of Plumb and Parts Center, Isle of Man.

Steve said:

“I’m delighted to help organise a donation to such a worthy cause,

“Rebecca House is the only child’s hospice on the island, and it’s important for the people here. As an island we’re a tight-knit community, so donations like this are a real boost.

“Plumb and Parts Center has its own national charities of choice that it supports, so it means a lot when it donates money to local causes like this – it’s a great gesture.”

Mary Doyle, Rebecca House, was delighted to receive the donation. She added:

“Our children’s hospice currently looks after 29 children on the Island so every penny is very precious to us and helps us continue to look after these families.

“I would like to thank Plumb and Parts Center for its donation.”

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Britannia Living makes a hashtag of things

britanniahashtagsBritannia Living have launched their new social media campaign designed to offer a different focus and corresponding prize each month for the remainder of this year

The company, that has a portfolio of brands including Britannia, Bertazzoni and designer cooker hood manufacturer BEST, has started its activity with the theme #coolkitchen. Those who follow the brand and tell them their favourite type of ice cream using this hashtag in July, will be in with a chance to win a month’s supply of Snugburys ice cream.

Michael Haigh, marketing manager Britannia Living said:

“This campaign provides a different focus each month, be it #coolkitchen in July, #creativekitchen in September or #christmaskitchen later in the year! Each month we will offer kitchen inspiration, some stunning images, brand new mood boards and obviously some great giveaways too.”

“We are confident that this new campaign will allow us to engage even more with the consumers that use our products each day and tap into what they are up to throughout the year.”

Britannia has increased its focus on social this year, and has already generated an additional 1.8 million brand impressions since the start of 2014.

Michael added:

“It is an exciting time for the company and we look forward to using social media platforms to further build our relationships with customers and the consumer audience in order to drive them to our trade partners. We’d urge everyone to use these feeds to engage with us and keep an eye out for exclusive competitions.”

To learn more about Britannia’s #coolkitchen campaign, and a chance to win a month’s supply of Snugburys, please visit:

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Classic films improved by Ed Miliband eating a bacon sandwich

Classic films improved by Ed Miliband eating a bacon sandwich

Office Space



Kill Bill: Volume 1



The Breakfast Club



Pulp Fiction






Mean Girls





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