Plumbing businesses could get more revenue via apprenticeships

plumbing-apprenticesConsumers prefer to do business with businesses employing apprentices, a new report from the Centre for Economics & Business Research (CEBR) has revealed.

One in four consumers say they would even go as far as paying more for goods and services offered by companies that employ apprentices.

The ‘Benefits of Apprenticeships to Businesses’ study finds that offering apprenticeships is perceived by two-thirds of the public as contributing to society and providing opportunities for young people, with 5 million consumers more likely to make a purchase from an apprentice employer.

Paying for a plumber to fix a leaking sink is one of the most popular services to pay a premium for, with 32% of consumers stating they would be more likely to pay more for the service to a business that employs apprentices.

The report, launched to mark the start of National Apprenticeship Week 2015, is part of a national drive to promote the benefits of apprenticeships. Events across the country will celebrate the success of apprenticeships that have been transformed over recent years so they are more responsive to the needs of employers and learners.

The week will also see the launch of a new mentoring service for small businesses interested in taking on apprentices by small business champion Jason Holt CBE.

Business Secretary Vince Cable said:

“In launching National Apprenticeship Week we are celebrating the 2.1 million apprenticeship starts since 2010 and the positive impact they are having on businesses around the country,”

“The benefits of apprenticeships are clear – they make a vital contribution to the economy, boost business productivity and give people the skills they need to get on in the world of work.”

The research also highlights a number of other financial benefits firms employing apprentices can enjoy, such as increased long-term productivity. A typical apprentice delivers productivity gains of over £10,000 per annum.

Moreover, the research demonstrates that even before an apprentice is fully qualified, many businesses will see economic benefits of offering apprenticeships. The figures show that while training, each apprentice in England is estimated to deliver an average positive net gain of £1,670 per annum to their employers.

Skills Minister Nick Boles said:

“This research is further proof that apprenticeships deliver for businesses as well as providing life changing opportunities for young people.

“National Apprenticeship Week gives us the opportunity to raise the profile of apprenticeships and traineeships, and to celebrate the important role they play in our economy. I encourage people of all ages and employers of all shapes and sizes to find out more about apprenticeships and how they can deliver for them.”

As part of National Apprenticeship Week, employers are being encouraged to share their reasons for employing apprentices on social media, with #100reasonswhy.

To find out more about National Apprenticeship Week, search for apprenticeships on

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Beard turns tax office into student rooms

beard-tax-officeContractor Beard has started a £5.3m project to turn the former HM Revenue & Customs tax office in Bristol into student accommodation.

Beard is working with Stamford Goldhawk and architect Stride Treglown to develop the four-storey Norfolk House building into 4,500m3 of student accommodation that will provide 152 studio apartments with ensuite showers and fitted furniture.

The redeveloped building will also house an on-site gym, cinema and private study rooms.

Energy-saving measures include the installation of solar panels to the roof of the building.

Beard contracts manager Martin Courtney said:

“There is a desperate need for high quality student accommodation in Bristol and this hi-spec refurbishment will make a valuable contribution to meeting this need,”

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Ed Davey: Doctors to offer ‘boilers on prescription’

ecobuildEnergy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey has announced that doctors will be invited to prescribe boilers, insulation and double-glazing to patients they judge to be ill as a result of a cold home due to fuel poverty.

Announcing at Ecobuild, the event in London (March 3-5), the government’s strategy to tackle fuel poverty, Davey said doctors should prescribe energy efficiency home improvements to help tackle diseases resulting from cold homes.

Davey announced a £3 million package of funding for pilot schemes designed to tackle fuel poverty, including £1 million released immediately for “warmth-on-prescription” projects.

Davey told the conference that by focusing on energy efficiency, the fuel poverty strategy was a “win-win” for tenants living in cold homes, and their landlords wanting help to improve and upgrade their properties.

Davey said he wanted to use the link with GPs to turn fuel poverty into:

“one of the next big public health campaigns of the future…Bringing together health and fuel poverty could be one of the most significant boosts this sector has ever seen.”

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Bauformat at the Ideal Home Show

BauformatBauformat kitchens will feature in two show homes at the Ideal Home Show (20 March – 6 April) at London Olympia – the Future Proof Home and the Gap House.

The two storey Future Proof Home draws inspiration from Scandinavian style in line with the clean lines of its Swedish architecture. The concept of the house was to create a truly ‘Future Proof’ and ‘zero energy’ home for a modern family.

The show home designer is Sophie de Castro, internationally renowned for creating interiors with a unique sense of style.

With a modern luxurious feel, the Future Proof Home features on the ground floor the Bauformat Susann contemporary kitchen collection in a high gloss white with contrasting Devine Grey work surfaces.

Bauformat kitchens will also be featured in the Gap House, designed by Sophie de Castro – the living space is only just over 3 metres wide – similar to that of a garage or allotment space and is intended to fit into a gap between two buildings. Designed to demonstrate where living space is at a premium, the Gap House can create a unique, innovative and exciting spaces to live.

Visitors to the Ideal Home Show will also have the opportunity to visit Bauformat on its dedicated stand to experience its latest modern kitchen design Calais, whilst taking time to discuss with designers their own kitchen ideas and projects.

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WaterSafe to support World Plumbing Day

watersafe-world-plumbing-dayWaterSafe has pledged its full support for the upcoming World Plumbing Day, calling on industry to use it as a time to reflect on how it can work together to raise plumbing standards in the UK.

Now in its sixth year, World Plumbing Day, to be held on 11 March 2015, was founded by the World Plumbing Council to promote the important role plumbing plays in the health and safety of modern society.

Working to a similar objective nationally, WaterSafe, now in its second year, is helping to re-focus standards within the plumbing sector by providing recognition for competent plumbers, as well as protecting consumers seeking plumbing work.

While the majority of the focus on World Plumbing Day will remain on water safety issues affecting other continents, WaterSafe is urging the industry not to forget there are still challenges to tackle closer to home.

Most prevalent for WaterSafe is the issue of homeowners failing to check the credentials of a plumber before getting them in to do work, thus leaving them vulnerable to a growing number of rogue plumbers. The scale of this issue has been demonstrated by a recent WaterSafe study which found that a startling 70% of UK householders still don’t check the credentials of a plumber before letting them commence work. The study showed, for many, that choosing a plumber is all about first impressions – with more than half (54%) deeming personal appearance more important than their qualifications.

WaterSafe estimates bodged plumbing jobs have cost the nation a whopping £2.6 billion in recent years, predominantly on account of unqualified, unethical traders. In response, this year sees WaterSafe continue to highlight the risk of rogue plumbers by raising awareness of the importance of checking credentials and enabling consumers to make an informed choice when choosing a plumber at the click of a button.

Kevin Wellman, director of WaterSafe and executive board member of the World Plumbing Council, said:

“It is great to see people come together from across the globe to celebrate the vital institution that is plumbing and we offer our full support to World Plumbing Day. However, while much of the focus on the day will rightly be around issues in less developed countries – which of course we must come together to support – we should not forget that there is still work to be done here in the UK.

“As our research shows, there is still a major issue in consumers continually failing to check the credentials of plumbers, thus leaving them wide open to a growing number of unqualified rogue plumbers. As such, we’d ask all plumbers to continue to push the WaterSafe message among their customers as the easiest way of being assured they are getting a professional, qualified plumber each and every time. That way, we can help to raise the standards of water safety in the UK and continue to be a prime example of good practice on a global level.”


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