The true price of heating your home

Most houses in the UK are not energy efficient and have little purpose of energy rentention i.e using insulators or double glazed windows. To some, there is no need for this as the cost of proper insulation or double glazed windows are probably more than what they pay in a year to utility companies, still it is very expensive to do without proper energy retention schemes in homes. Although, there are a few tricks like putting cling film  on windows and  making sure no cold drafts in and around the house. This helps retain the heat in the house, meaning you do not have to switch on the heating for long hours, reducing your co2 emissions and the amount you spend on gas and electricity. This might not cost you money, it’ll certainly cost you your time.  There are other ways to heat your house, like if you have a mobile electricity heater, you can use it in one room where you are at the moment. Anyway you look at it, cheap? cost you your time, expensive? cost you money. Finding the balance between the two is crucial, assuming you already have a good type of supply with your utility company.

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Saving water in the bathroom, saves world’s water sources

The new Act on CO2 Ad campaign about saving water comes at a very important time when we all are quite particular about saving our planet. In the UK alone, we actually each use on average 150 litres of water every day, with the average household using over 100,000 litres of water every year. Imagine 264 pints of milk and that’s 150 litres of water. One fifth of a household’s carbon footprint comes just from heating water for baths, showers and washing up. This begs the question, why do we need to save water? With the world’s population probably growing every minute, we are increasing the amount of water we consume and thus placing a huge strain on the resources we have.  Thus increasing the cost of water( imagine how that sounds). This increase, is as a result of the growing demand which results in more money needed in purification and transportation. So if there is a problem, what is the solution? Using less water everyday, like not leaving the tap running while brushing your teeth, flushing the toilet unnecessarily or having two many showers/ baths a day. For more information about this, visit Act on Co2.

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Increasing independence with stylishly finished sanitarywares

Sanitarywares such as this provide you with luxury and comfort. Stylishly finished to amazing spec  also increasing the amount of indepence provided to people who are disabled or frail . This ware caters for every need in the rest room and allows you  to have total control, with rails and handles and a single head tap with controlled hot water, so as not to suffer from burns.

This product is available to buy from our shop online click here for more information such as price

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