New Leak Detection Correlator


Water and asset monitoring specialist HWM (UK) has designed the new Touch Pro correlator for improved performance and ease of use.

The unit features upgraded electronics throughout the leak noise processing path to deliver better results in traditionally difficult leak detection situations, such as on plastic or large diameter pipes.

The Touch Pro’s high-visibility full-colour VGA touch screen greatly improves data entry and the quality of graphical representation. The intuitive user interface enables operation with the minimum number of key presses and the step-by-step menu system easily guides the user through the correlation process.

The new correlator is equipped with an Automated Filtering Intelligence System (AFIS). AFIS automatically runs up to 55 different filter combinations on each correlation, checking the quality of the result and optimising the filters to obtain the best possible result. The system can be used with both live and pre-recorded correlation data, removing the need for manual filter setting by building a virtual “expert user” into the unit.

The Touch Pro’s improved outstation offers long-range radio transmission with clear sound quality. The compact outstation features a magnet to allow it to be secured to metallic street furniture.

A purpose-designed robust case carries and protects all components, while allowing the base station and outstations to be charged from a single power lead.

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