Making school washrooms child friendly and safe

School toilets have long been a place children endured or avoided and have contributed to many pupils ill health.
For a child, visiting a school toilet can be an intimidating experience. Broken facilities, fear of bullying or restriction of use can cause health problems, the lack of privacy can lead to phobias that may follow children into adult life.
With these problems and more facing our schools, what ways can we help improve the situation?

One very good way is locating washrooms within the heart of the school. This sends a message that appropriate standards of behaviour still apply within the toilet. Also the maintenance of clear sight lines and an open plan design approach will promote an atmosphere of natural peer-to-peer surveillance and protection.
In addition a school washroom should not just rely on a cleaning regime for its hygiene performance. Room design and product selection play a key role.  In the instance above, specifying a seat with a lid and vandal resistant steel hinge
is a simple way to significantly improve the hygiene of the school toilet.

There is no doubt that this is a very big problem in schools and has gone unnoticed by the government, launching The Bog Standard Campaign in 2004 by Education and Resources for improving childhood Continence (ERIC), in partnership with Schools Council UK and backed by Westminster, the Bog Standard campaign aims to improve standards in school toilets throughout the UK and ensure children have access to them when they need them.
This campaign is working to change school’s obligation regarding the number of sanitary items required in school washrooms, promoting vastly improved standards, enforced by legislation, that will ensure school toilets are age appropriate, always available, cleaned and well maintained.

For a more detailed information on commercial sanitaryware visit

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One comment on “Making school washrooms child friendly and safe
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