Government must slash refurb VAT

brianberryA VAT reduction on housing renovation and repair could boost the UK economy by more than £15 billion from 2015 to 2020, according to a new independent research report by Experian.

The reduction could also create more than 95,000 jobs and save 240,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from thousands of homes.

The report is backed by more than 60 charities, trade associations, business groups and financial institutions that are united in calling on all three main political parties to commit to this VAT reduction in their 2015 General Election manifestos.

Brian Berry, chief executive of the Federation of Master Builders, said:

A VAT reduction on housing renovation and repair work will empower homeowners to contribute to growth, jobs and greener homes without placing a burden on the Treasury. There is no other proposal that will help the UK achieve so many of its economic, environmental and social aims with so little cost to the public purse. 

This research shows that the wider benefits of a VAT reduction on housing renovation and repair would stimulate more than £15 billion of wider economic activity, which completely overshadows any direct losses to Treasury coffers due to a drop in the percentage charged for VAT.

Brian added:

It is a myth that EU law prevents the UK government from reducing VAT on housing renovation and repair. This research report clearly shows that almost half of EU member states are currently enjoying the economic, environmental and social benefits that this VAT reduction can bring. Why should the UK not follow suit?

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