Government must make a long term workable energy strategy


‘The UK government must make a long term commitment to a single workable energy strategy if we are to deliver low carbon heat,’ says a new report from The Heating & Hotwater Industry Council (HHIC).

The new report entitled ‘Pathways II: A low carbon roadmap for domestic heat’ will be published in the summer and is the second report by HHIC, following on from the ‘Pathways for Domestic Heating’ report, which was published in July 2013.

Roger Webb, director of HHIC, said:

“No one is arguing that we need to reduce the carbon emissions from heating but there is still debate about how this can be achieved practically and in a form that delivers for the government, the industry and most importantly the consumer.

“This new report starts with the premise that an all-electric scenario is unrealistic and identifies practical steps that need to be taken to make low carbon heating a reality. It outlines specific actions that need to be taken, be that government policy through to the development of new products.”

The report aims to offer solutions to reducing carbon emissions by helping UK homeowners switch heating system to low carbon alternatives. This can be done by:

  • Industry packaging together new technologies, which are supported by innovative finance packages to help off set up-front costs.
  • Revisiting the role installers play in supporting homeowners with their purchasing decisions, ensuring that installers aren’t precluded from delivering government programmes due to expensive and bureaucratic registration and certification schemes.
  • For new build properties make the inclusion of low carbon technologies mandatory with Building Regulations.
  • Streamline government policy (Green Deal, Energy Company Obligation etc.) to create one affordable ‘whole system approach’ that is attractive to consumers.

This report has been written with the full cooperation of the heating industry and supply chain and in consultation with the appropriate government officials. HHIC will be using this report to work with the new government to develop an appropriate and achievable longterm energy strategy.

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