Gas Safety Trust poll shows carbon monoxide ignorance

gstAn online poll of 2,000 people carried out by OnePoll, on behalf of the Gas Safety Trust, has found that despite a number of recent high profile campaigns, only 13% of the people questioned were able to identify the main symptoms and characteristics of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.

The poll also found that the under 25s were the least able to identify all of the symptoms and characteristics and that under a third had an audible CO alarm.

It was also discovered that over one third of homeowners had not had their boiler serviced in the last 12 months, while just under a quarter of renters knew whether their appliances had undergone a landlord’s safety check.

Commenting on the polls’ findings, Chris Bielby, chair of the Gas Safety Trust, said:

“We were disappointed to find that despite a concerted effort by industry and others, there is still a worrying lack of awareness about the dangers of CO.

“With the Department of Health estimating 40 deaths per year from CO, it is essential that people get their appliances checked on an annual basis by an appropriately qualified engineer from Gas Safe Register and that every household has an audible CO alarm.

“Initiatives over the last ten to 20 years have made great progress, but with an emerging trend of fatalities from barbecues and generators, where they are used in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation such as tents, it is clear that we have much further to go to get the message across to the public.”

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