Electrolux announces Design Lab 2014 finalists

designIn the future, if the finalists in the 2014 Electrolux Design Lab have their way, vegetables can be made to taste like hamburgers, bath towels can be purified and dried in seconds, you will ‘hunt’ food in your kitchen, create a dress from plastic bottles and create your own microclimate.

In 2014 the global student design competition received over 1 700 submissions offering solutions to culinary enjoyment, fabric care and air purification in the future home environments.

The winner of the competition will be chosen from the top six finalists after presenting their concepts to a jury in Paris, November 12, 2014.

Lars Erikson, head of Electrolux Design and the Design Lab jury said:

“For this year’s global design competition, we asked students to submit concepts based on our theme ‘Creating Healthy Homes’. In the end, we selected six finalists out of 1,700 entries.

“The finalists’ concepts are truly innovative and offer new ideas on how we might be living our lives in the future, whether it’s eating healthier or being more sustainable.

First prize will be awarded to the student that the judging panel highlight as creating a ground-breaking design solution of the future. This student will receive 5,000 Euros and a six-month paid internship at an Electrolux global design centre; second prize is 3,000 Euros; and third prize is 2,000 Euros.

The student whose concept receives the most public votes online will be named the winner of the People’s Choice Award and will receive a prize of 1,000 Euros


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