Efficient boilers save more on bills than previously thought


The Energy Saving Trust (EST) has published updated figures on the amount of fuel – and money – homeowners can save by installing energy efficiency measures in their home.

According to this year’s updated energy saving figures, homeowners who upgrade from D-rated boilers to A-rated models, along with the relevant controls upgrades, can save £160 on typical fuel bills, compared to the £105 saving that was estimated in 2013.

Upgrading from an E-rated boiler is now estimated to save £190 instead of £155, while installing a room thermostat and TRVs will save between £70 and £150, instead of the £80 the EST estimated last year.

Some other energy efficiency measures have seen their savings estimates downgraded compared with last year’s figures. Installing 270mm of loft insulation in a house which previously had none was predicted to save £180 last year, but this figure has now been cut to £150, while external wall insulation is now though to only save around £270 instead of £490.

Double glazing has also had its savings cut, with B-rated glazing installation now predicted to save between £80 and £110, instead of £170.

These figures have all been based on a typical three-bedroom semi-detached house but,for the first time, the EST has published energy savings based on a range of different gas-heated homes, from a detached house through to a mid-floor flat.

These findings may have an impact on the Green Deal’s ‘Golden Rule’, which requires that households should always save more through the installation of these energy efficiency measures than the annual cost of the Green Deal finance used to fit them.

Commenting on the figures Philip Sellwood, chief executive of the Energy Saving Trust, said:

“In recent years we’ve seen a marked increase in interest from householders seeking information about energy efficiency. With householders taking a much keener interest, we’re now giving more detailed information as we know there is a genuine appetite for it. Our figures now show potential monetary savings for five different home types from a detached house to a mid-floor flat, and a range of options depending on whether someone is topping up their loft or insulating for the first time, or switching from a G-rated boiler to an A-rated, or a D-rated to an A-rated.

“We’re considered to hold the gold standard for energy saving statistics and it’s vital that householders get the latest impartial information to inform their decision-making.”

The figures also show that 62% of the average household’s bill goes towards heating homes (both space and water heating). In an uninsulated home, the walls are the worst offenders for heat loss, with a third (33%) of all lost heat going through the walls. The roof was named as the second worst offender for heat loss with just over a quarter (26%) going through the roof.

Mr Sellwood added:

“It’s not rocket science to say that the cheapest energy is the energy not used. There’s been a lot of debate about green taxes, fracking and coal and nuclear powered stations. Pound for pound, making our homes efficient unequivocally remains by far the most cost-effective thing to do to help reduce energy demand, tackle rising fuel bills and make our homes warmer and healthier.”

Full details of the EST figures can be downloaded in pdf format from their website.

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