EcoCooling launches new smaller evaporative cooling unit for server rooms

ecocoolingEvaporative cooling specialist tackles smaller telecoms and server rooms, traditionally harder to cool cost-effectively, with 15 kW unit

Market leader EcoCooling has developed a smaller unit ideal for the telecoms room and small server rooms which it says have historically been some of the most expensive locations to cool due to the highly inefficient and often unsuitable refrigerant-based cooling units deployed.

Launching the new 15 kW evaporative cooler, EcoCooling’s managing and technical director Alan Beresford explained:

Small office-type air conditioners have been used previously but these are not really suited to cooling IT equipment and can be very inefficient. Refrigerant-based coolers naturally use a lot of energy and in-fact office type coolers simply aren’t designed to deal with the high levels of concentrated heat produced by modern servers, routers and switches.

EcoCooling said that to remove 15kW of heat from a server room, the conventional coolers would require a further 15kW of electricity. By contrast, the new EcoCooling evaporative cooler requires a mere 400 W to remove 15 kW of heat.  This can save over £10,000 per year in cooling costs.

One leading University is already reported to be looking to deploy 60 of these units.

Also, while the efficiency of refrigerant-based coolers gets worse when they are partially-loaded, the new EcoCooling units are highly efficient at low loads, the firm said –  5 kW of cooling will require less than 50 W of electricity.

The new cooler requires no external condenser and is a self-contained compact unit at just 1.4m x 0.9m x 1.9m.  The units are also designed for ease and speed of maintenance and all maintenance is carried out inside the building.

The very simple installation method means the 15kW EcoCooling unit is significantly less expensive than conventional external units, the firm concludes.

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