B&ES and BCIA join forces

roderick_pettrigrewThe Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA) has joined forces with the Service & Facilities Group of the Building & Engineering Services Association (B&ES) to develop a pan-industry conference.

The title of the one-day event is 10-80-10 – The Building Services Summit, and relates to the life cycle of a building, which comprises ten per cent construction, 80% running costs and ten per cent disposal.

The focus will be on ensuring that building engineering services operate as effectively and efficiently as possible during the whole life of a building.

Terry Sharp, chairman of the BCIA Marketing Working Group said:

Much emphasis is placed on the capital cost of non-residential buildings, while lifetime costs – including energy use, maintenance and refurbishment – represent around 80% of the total, yet are too often overlooked

Simon Carter, vice chairman of the B&ES Service & Facilities Group, added:

Our Association represents the engineers and contractors who deal with the installation, commissioning and maintenance of building services on a daily basis.

As such, we are able to provide expert advice and guidance to building owners and managers on reducing energy bills and getting the most from the equipment they have invested in.

BCIA president Steve Harrison stressed that

working with other organisations is the best way for us to demonstrate that it is by co-operation and holistic thinking that optimum energy efficiency can be achieved

Roderick Pettigrew, chief executive of B&ES, said:

The commercial pressures inherent in the construction process too often encourage all parties to take a short-term view

The aim of this conference is to make the whole procurement chain aware of whole-life costing – including energy costs – and so provide clients with best value

10-80-10 – The Building Services Summit will take place at the Barbican Centre, London EC2, on Thursday November 27, 2104.

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