Leading pump manufacturer – Wilo UK – is encouraging the largest users of electricity in the UK to look carefully at the energy savings that could be made simply by switching the large number of pumps in their buildings and premises to Wilo’s high efficiency, variable speed pumps that use significantly less electricity than traditional pumps – up to 90% less energy in fact. With the largest 5000 users of electricity having had to sign up to the Government’s Carbon Reduction Commitment Scheme (CRCs) being run by the Environment Agency, by this April 2010, finding ways of lowering energy use and reducing emissions now, is key to many businesses.

Leading pump manufacturer – Wilo UK – is encouraging the largest users of electricity in the UK to look carefully at the energy savings that could be made simply by switching the large number of pumps in their buildings and premises to Wilo’s high efficiency, variable speed pumps that use significantly less electricity than traditional pumps – up to 90% less energy in fact. With the largest 5000 users of electricity having had to sign up to the Government’s Carbon Reduction commitment Scheme (CRCs) being run by the Environment Agency, by this April 2010, finding ways of lowering energy use and reducing emissions now, is key to many businesses.

Wilo has an excellent track record of helping businesses to replace elderly, energy guzzling pumps with their new, high efficiency pumps that can save up to 90% of the energy previously being consumed by a standard fixed speed pump doing the same job, in many cases seeing the capital cost of the replacement pump covered well within two years – often in less than 12 months.

The CRC is a cap and trade scheme introduced by the Government and aimed at reducing the UK’s carbon emissions by one-third by 2050. The scheme requires some 5,000 organisations which consume over 6 GWh/year and who operate half hourly metering, to join, and participants will be required to purchase carbon allowances based on the Information Packs they have received from the Environment Agency.

Initially organisations need to ensure they accurately monitor their energy use emissions and capture the information into a database designed to perform all monitoring and targeting functions. Some organisations have made the decision to outsource their carbon emission monitoring to specialist companies as many have reported that collecting the energy data is very resource intensive, particularly where manual readings have been required. The installation of automated meter reading (AMR) systems has been a lengthy and in some cases complex process.

It’s thought that businesses will need to make savings of around 5% just to fund the costs associated with administering the scheme. Wilo UK says the real energy saving and carbon reduction benefits come from implementing specialist new technologies that contribute to measurable reductions in the actual energy consumed and as a result in the carbon dioxide emitted.

One of the biggest contributors to energy consumption in buildings, are the numerous pumps used in HVAC systems. Variable speed drives are used to regulate the speed of the electric motor driving the pump. Saving up to 90% of the electricity bill is possible with payback as short as 6 months. Wilo’s huge range of high efficiency pumps offer solutions for a wide range of uses within the built environment including for heating, air conditioning and refrigeration, water supply and boosting and sewage and waste water pumping and lifting solutions.

Wilo UK offers a site survey and energy comparison for any building or organisation. They’ll illustrate in simple terms what the current set up is costing and what can be saved by switching to Wilo energy saving pumps.