Day: March 14, 2014

Climate Center reports surging air conditioning and refrigeration sales

Climate Center has reported surging demand for air conditioning and refrigeration, with the ‘bumper summer’ continuing through the autumn and winter. According to the distributor, sales of air conditioning for the year to date are up more than 16% on

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What to do during the floods

Paul Hardy (pictured), managing director at Baxi, explains how to stay safe during the floods. With shocking scenes of flooding throughout the UK, boilers and central heating systems may not be front of mind for homeowners, yet when the floods

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Constructionline hosts Suffolk ‘Meet the Buyer’

Contractors from East Anglia are being invited to a free event at Newmarket Racecourses in Suffolk on 20 March to find out about work opportunities in the area. Constructionline is hosting the ‘Meet the Buyer’ session to help small and

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The House of Commons public accounts committee (PAC) has recommended greater transparency in the outsourcing of public services.

The MPs have called for the veil of secrecy that surrounds these contracts to be lifted and says that it is supported in this by the contractors themselves. It says that it is only the government that wants to keep

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Kingsholm plays host to first ADEY installers’ evening

More than 100 heating installers and merchants joined ADEY Professional Heating Solutions for an evening of rugby and comedy at the home of Gloucester Rugby on February 27. Invited guests were also treated to a preview of ADEY’s newest addition

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