Plumb and Parts Center is calling on the government to extend tough laws on audible carbon monoxide (CO) detectors to the whole of the UK, ahead of its annual Wise up to CO campaign, launched in April. According to the…
Plumb and Parts Center is calling on the government to extend tough laws on audible carbon monoxide (CO) detectors to the whole of the UK, ahead of its annual Wise up to CO campaign, launched in April. According to the…
A ground-breaking deal with Shell which could generate enough clean energy to power half a million homes, and capture 1 million tonnes of CO2 each year has been announced by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Climate Change Secretary Ed…
Evaporative cooling specialist tackles smaller telecoms and server rooms, traditionally harder to cool cost-effectively, with 15 kW unit Market leader EcoCooling has developed a smaller unit ideal for the telecoms room and small server rooms which it says have historically…